

The American Red Cross visits Sure-Trac

On June 13, 2019 the American Red Cross visited Sure-Trac (Division of Novae Corp.) facilities across Indiana to combat the blood shortage crisis.


The following is an excerpt from the American Red Cross website.

“Each day, thousands of people – people just like you – provide compassionate care to those in need. Our network of generous donors, volunteers and employees share a mission of preventing and relieving suffering, here at home and around the world.

We roll up our sleeves and donate time, money and blood. We learn or teach life-saving skills so our communities can be better prepared when the need arises. We do this every day because the Red Cross is needed – every day.”


American Red Cross Blood Drive Blood Draw


The number of patients impacted by the collaboration of Sure-Trac (Division of Novae Corp.) team members is remarkable. The American Red Cross organization gave these numbers to reflect our contributions. All of those that assisted in organizing the American Red Cross visit are deeply appreciative of the contributions. These numbers showcase the Sure-Trac (Division of Novae Corp.) dedication to community development and the betterment of the society in which we work and live.

26 Donors Signed In
23 Units Collected
69 Patients Impacted

Columbia City
12 Donors Signed In
11 Units Collected
33 Patients Impacted

North Manchester
21 Donors Signed In
20 Units Collected
60 Patients Impacted


American Red Cross Bloodmobile


This momentous accomplishment could only be achieved through the collaboration of Supervisors, Plant Managers, HR Representatives, and the numerous volunteers who contributed their blood.

The Blood Shortage is not over though. As more opportunities arise for you to contribute your time and blood, consider the many patients which could be impacted by your actions. If you wish to donate blood, visit the American Red Cross’s website and sign up today!


“I am excited Sure-Trac is teaming up with the American Red Cross!  During high school, I did an internship with the ARC.  This was such a great learning experience and after that was when I started giving blood.  Sure-Trac makes everything super convenient!  If you are able to give, I encourage you to do so!  IT SAVES LIVES!!   It feels great being involved and knowing you are helping others!!  For me, it a huge accomplishment.  Who knows maybe one day I may need someone to do the same for me.”  – Candace Richardson


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